Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Finally, a family picture!

Tada, it's a family picture of the Pykett's. Finally you say, us too! We have said so many times that we need to get a picture taken of us, and we finally found some time to do it. We also took some of just Maya. We purchased some traditional Chinese dreeses for Maya while in China and we are down to the last one, so we needed to get a picture.

I think she looks absolutley adorable!

This one is my favorite of her. Plus everything looks better in black and white photos.
Here is one more family one. Maya's smile just makes me smile because it is so genuine.

I'm so blessed to have such a great family. I love you Tim and Maya!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

What's been going on for the Pykett's.

It's about time I write what has been going on in the lives of the Pykett's. We have been so super busy with just daily life, then you throw in a seizure, a weekend at Children's Hospital and medication that has Maya not feeling like herself. Can you say stressful!!! Everything is now smoothing out and getting back to normal.
What's new with Maya...Tons! She is just full of life and conversation! She talks in full sentences and is little miss questions. I guess you could say she is turning into a little social butterfly. She will talk to anyone if they will talk to her! I love it. It's a long way from where she was a year ago.
The past couple of months, Maya got to take an art class and a gym class with her Nana Kathy. Maya loved it, plus it was real good practice for going to preschool next year. She is getting better in the sharing department, but we still have to do some work.
We tried the Santa thing again this year, it was a no go. She loves everything about him and will talk to him, but won't sit on his lap. Oh well. She is so excited about Christmas this year, which makes us very excited too! It's so cute to hear her say Merry Christmas mommy and daddy, and when she yells for Santa so she can tell him that she wants a doll house! Which by the way, she is getting. I can't wait to see her face when she sees it!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or treat

Is this the cutest Elmo you have ever seen?! We think so! Maya has been looking forward to trick or treat for weeks!

It took a few houses and seeing other kids go up to the neighbors, but as soon as she felt comfortable, she was having so much fun.

Next, we went to my moms house. I was a little worried that Maya would be scared, but she wasn't. She went up to the fake witches and said "nice to meet you witch" it was super cute!

Our fun was coming to an end after 2 blocks, Maya was tired and didn't want to walk anymore. So super daddy to the rescue!

Today was a great day. I hope you all had as much fun as we did! Happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Betty Brinn

Maya and I had a fantastic day today. Tim is out of town this week, when he is gone, I try to do extra special things to keep her mind off missing her daddy. So, today we went to the Betty Brinn muesum. Maya had so much fun, she had to touch everything and was running around to see what was next, It was so cute! Then we got to the tools. Wow, I thought we were never going to be able to leave!
Just as Maya thought it couldn't get any better, we see the Sendik's grocery store! She was so cute today and seeing her enjoy playing made me feel great. She was having sooo much fun!
If you haven't been to the museum, you should really go. It has been years for me, and I totally enjoyed it!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bye-Bye Summer

Sad to say, but summer is over. We had a lot of fun, and made some fantastic memories together. We spent time at the zoo, we went to the pool, and went to the shed aquarium. Which Maya loved! Here is a little look into our summer. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday Maya!

I can't belive our little girl is 3 today. Time flies by so fast. It feels like yesterday when we stepped on that plane to take us to meet our daughter for the first time. She has been such a blessing for us ever since. I can't imagine my life without her.
Everyday brings us new joy for all of the accomplishments she makes. Every new word she says, and every number she counts. When I leave town for work for even a few days, I can't believe all of the new things she can do. I am so proud to be her Dad. I love you Maya. Happy Birthday!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Having a great time in Florida

We are having a great time on vacation! Maya loves everything about Florida, the sun, the water and especially the pool! She asked to go swimming everyday. We have to wait till later in the day, the sun is so hot, and I'm so nervous about her getting a sun burn. Today it is thunder storming, so we are planning on going to a indoor play park. I'm sure Maya won't want to leave this place. Tomorrow we are going to the beach. We can't wait. I love the beach!

This is Maya getting ready to go in the pool! She gets so excited, she starts dancing around, and we can't get the water wings on.

Maya at the park. She loves her slides and swings! This park is one of the coolest I have ever seen. It had all diffrent areas for every age group. Pretty cool.

This is Maya taking a break at starbucks. She enjoys a great beverage too!